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IBS changed my life

Had resection 3 yrs ago and it changed my life . Got IBS really bad . Sometimes I isolate because of conditions. Get terrible cramps and other things that go along with it . Managing it now but my bathroom is my life . Formerly was a foodie and very social but now don’t enjoy really eating so much . Bland and boring . Don’t drink anymore once an awhile I will . The good thing I became and artist and that is my passion and it is therapy for me ,

  1. I'm so sorry that you're struggling so much. It's so hard and I relate so much to the isolated feeling... it can be so hard to socialize when so much of it revolves around food. 🙁
    It's amazing though that you became an artist and this helps you cope! What kind of art do you make?
    Karina (team member)

    1. You are so beautiful! I'm so sorry you are dealing with all of these symptoms. I know what you mean by isolating. I used to do the same. You sort of lose the zest for life because food and socializing is almost one in the same. Just know you aren't alone and it can get better. It got better for me. What sort of changes in your diet have you been implementing? Hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

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