I have IBS-d and IBS-c Cdiff almost killed me after a two week stay in the hospital and my GI doctor saw me one time. She was furious my GP admitted me to the hospital for 15 days. I had never heard of Cdiff or SIBO or intestinal pseudo obstruction. I have red hair, blue eyes and fair skin and yes my new GI doctor who met and treated me in the hospital in Nov., 2017 for cdiff and wondered how I had lived with it going untreated. 1% of population can be constipated and have cdiff. During my one of 3 colonoscopies my dr took a biopsy to confirm it. She could not get it cleared up. I had never heard of IBS-d and IBS-C until I met her. Having bothis a total blast and I can ck it off my health bucket list and yes I'm being sarcastic. I had to have a fecal transplant in March of 2018. That got rid of the cdiff. Does anyone else out there have colitis, IBS-D, IBS-C,SIBO , intestinal pseudo obstruction? Stress is a trigger for everything I have listed and once one thing flares up, it all does. The Fecal Transplant saved my life because of it totally getting rid of Cdiff. For two weeks after, I felt somewhat normal then not so much. My belly is so big from SIBO, I am wearing maternity clothes. I'm on medicine for SIBO and the low carb FodMap diet per my dr but I'm still either running to the bathroom or waiting and waiting and waiting