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IBS C all my life

I have had constipation all my life. It is worse in the summer due to heat and humidity. I have tried my different meds for this. I just tried Linzess. That was poison for me. I also suffer from Anxiety and Depression. When my IBS C is bad it triggers my anxiety. I have tried many different medications for depression. When I am suffering from IBS C I find I cannot focus on one thing at a time. I know I have some type of Attention deficit disorder. I have never been treated for it. I am going to discuss with my Phyc.

  1. I'm sorry that you've been dealing with IBS-C for so long and nothing ever helped. That's so hard. 🙁
    You're not the only one who reacts to heat and humidity. We have this article: about exactly that correlation and it seems to be pretty common.
    I don't have an attention deficit disorder but I still find it hard to concentrate on anything when I'm flaring, so you're not alone. I hope you'll soon find some medication that'll help you with your symptoms.
    Hugs, Karina (team member)

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