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ibs c

I’m struggling right now, I’ve had ibs c for about ten years, i just turned 18 and was hoping that things would finally make a change for the better with linzess. They haven’t, I feel like i’ve tried everything, diets, medications, supplements. It gets so bad i’ve taken multiple trips to the hospital just to relieve my pain. Not only do I have ibs c, I now have chronic gastris this is the worst combination for me. I feel like no matter what I’ll never get better.

  1. I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this and that nothing seems to help. Please don't lose hope and continue advocating for yourself! It can sometimes take a long time to find what works for you to relieve symptoms: Have you ever seen a naturopath for your IBS and gastritis? Some community members have had success with this alternative approach. I really hope that you'll get some answers soon. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

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