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IBS and Fibromyalgia

I think I’ve suffered on and off with IBS for about 60 years.

Does anyone have IBS and Fibro?

When IBS C at its worse all I want to do is curl up and sleep, as I’m cold too.
I think my trigger for IBS is mainly brown bread which I try to eat in small doses for the Constipation.

Thanks for listening

  1. So sorry you have been dealing with these symptoms for so long. Are you able to see a Gastroenterologist? If you think bread is the trigger, definitely stay away from it completely. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. 60 years is a long time, I'm so sorry. You're not alone. I wanted to share the following articles about IBS and Fibromyalgia with you:,,,, I hope this helps! As Elizabeth said, I would also try staying away from bread if you think that it's a trigger for you. Karina (team member)

      1. Thanks for that link.

        No I’ve never been to a gastroenterologist. I live in the UK so at the moment not easy to get referrals.

        I would prefer to do my own research and go from there

        1. Hi Karina
          I'm in UK too.
          I have IBS C and I have to take 3 laxative tablets every night. Otherwise I'd need surgery.
          I have fibromyalgia and this is triggered by on a low dose of paracetamol with tramadol for that.
          I also have RLS restless legs syndrome and I'm on tablets for Parkinson's Disease for that every night too.
          I also have a psychiatrist and help from the NHS over my mental health condition which is depression and anxiety.
          I've seen a gastroenterologist who said I don't have any internal damage so, it's IBS C.
          Trauma is a contributor for me. I'm on NHS wellbeing online courses via my psychiatric nurse and my GP.
          Exercise is something I do not do although I'm a or I was a dancer and a painter.
          Depending on what you need, there is a lot of NHS support.
          No one comes along and cures me and I know it's up to me to get myself well again somehow.
          Evie dog in UK x

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