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I'm new to this site.
I've had IBS for years. This last year it has gotten worse for me. Last year I started having anxiety n depression which started my IBS up. It's pretty much chronic. First thing every morning after a BM, my gut starts to cramp n I have gas. My doctor put me on Bentyl. So far I can't say it has helped. I've also been on levsin in the past. So now every morning I have to have down time to try an settle my gut down. I try and watch what eat. 2022 I had a bad bacteria in my colon called shigatoxin. I was put on antibiotics for a week. I get regular colonoscopies per my doctor...lately it's been a real struggle.

  1. I'm so sorry that your IBS had gotten worse. Anxiety and depression can definitely have a negative impact on symptoms...
    Did your issues get worse after the bacterial infection? If yes, are doctors sure that it didn't come back or that the antibiotics didn't cause any other issues?
    Are you taking anything to help manage the anxiety and depression?
    Karina (team member)

    1. Sorry to hear about your pain. I’d like to know when you say after a BM you get pain. Does the pain last all day and is it located in lower left quad? The reason I ask is because I have the same problem. After a BM in the morning I get a bad pain in the LLQ. It sets me up for a very bad day. Have hot water bag on it most if not all day. I’ve had all test done and they say because I’ve had this pain for over twelve years it has to be ibs. I always think the pain is so bad it almost feels like something is growing there and the bowel movement passing by it sets if off. I feel for you because quality of life is not good.

      1. Have you had imaging done in this area? Or had a colonoscopy? I am a big believer in "if you think something is wrong, something is probably wrong." We are the ones that live in our bodies and have the best instincts. I would push for more testing in that area, because pain there can indicate something in the colon. Or perhaps as for a pill cam test? I'm sorry you are going through this without any answers. That can be so frustrating. -Elizabeth (team member)

    2. Elizabeth thank you for showing interest and concern with my situation. I’ve had ct scans with and without dye. Had colonoscopy ( 5 of therm ). Had blood test, stool test. Sigmoidoscopy. That’s why they keep saying it’s ibs. However I just wanted to know if anybody gets pain in lower left quad after bowel movements. That’s my biggest complain. And again my dr has run every test possible. Even celiacs blood test. And it comes and goes with flareups. I’ve had it for years and yes it does go away on its own. But when I get the flareups it last for mos. Again thanks for showing concern.

      1. You are so welcome, that's what we are here for--to offer support always. Okay, so you have definitely gone through a lot of testing. Well, all I can say in addition to IBS was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease which is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease and I absolutely would get pain in the lower left quadrant after BM's. It was a daily thing for me so I understand your pain. -Elizabeth (team member)

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