I was just prescribed Linzess. Unfortunately it's $272.74 for 15 pills. I'm currently on Librax. I have had IBS for three decades. I see two different Doctors. The gut doctor gave me a boat load of medicines. I couldn't take all of it because I was having horrible side effects. I unfortunately have to stay in the house a lot of the times because I never know what's going to happen with my stomach. I just quit my job because my flares up were so horrible I couldn't function at work. I'm not able to eat because I get really bad pains after I do. My test results from endoscopy and colonoscopy were not good. I have a lot of inflammation in my bowels. My esophagus is also has a lot of inflammation. That has cause the lining of of my esophagus to be very thin. I always have a sore throat. I have a small ulcer at the top of my diaphragm. If anyone has any suggestions on how to manger a constant stomach ache. I would so appreciate any help. Thank you for your time. Carol