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How to go about life?

Hi! I have recently (4 months ago) started experiencing IBS-like symptoms with no doctor actually confirming it yet and no medicines working. It is debilitating everyday and I don’t know how to go about my life. I can’t even go to work anymore and am so malnourished. I would love to know how y’all are coping and surviving.

  1. So sorry you are going through this. I would try to see a Dietician. They are so knowledgeable with how to eat proper foods to help minimize IBS symptoms. Also great with helping with malnutrition. Have you had any endoscopic procedures to help see what is going on in the intestines? -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I will definitely try this then. Thanks a lot!

    2. I hope it'll help you! Will you keep us updated?
      Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

  2. I am following FODMAP and finding things a lot better you try it for 6weeks some good recipes and plenty of information on how it works I just came across this when looking for help with Diarrhea urgency and cramps

    1. I'm so glad to hear that the Low FODMAP diet is working for you! Thanks for sharing, Karina (team member)

  3. An alpha-gal allergy can have the same symptoms as IBS. See an allergist and ask for this simple blood test. It generally comes from a tick bite. Alpha-gal is in all non-primate mammal, including dairy and in carrageenan. Generally symptoms start 3-8 hours after eating or immediately if injected in a vaccine or if you are fume sensitive. Also wheat is one of the high FODMAP foods (O=oligosaccharides), which bothers me and I tested negative to gluten allergy. A gastroenterologist in Virginia tested all of his IBS patients and 30% were positive for alpha-gal allergy.

    1. That's so interesting, I had never heard of this! Thanks so much for sharing, it's a good thing to keep in mind. I also tested negative for Celiac and am still sensitive to gluten. Wishing you a symptom-free day, Karina (team member)

  4. It is sometimes called the red meat allergy but it is in so much more. See

    1. Thank you for sharing this with the community! I hope you're feeling well today. Karina (team member)

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