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How long can a flare up last

I started with really bad symptoms after having a meal with a lot of dairy in it last week. I have a pain left hand side under rib cage and it really hurts. The frequency of toilet trips has stopped now but I have this pain and acid reflux, anyone else had this?

  1. I did get a weird feeling in winter 2020/21 which wasn't exactly acid reflux but there was something going on with my lower esophageal sphincter which bugged me sometimes. Then it stopped! I haven't had it since. My symptoms seem centered mostly in the lower gut, and I get distension and an awful feeling of fullness mainly on the left side low down. Plus I can get trapped wind pains at times. I have IBS -d.

    Flare ups last usually a couple of days for me in their very worst state, but I can get milder ones which can last for more than a week. I have one of those now. Loose stools every morning (though usually only 1 toilet visit), lower tummy discomfort and distension 4 hours after dinner which usually eases up an hour or so later.

    But trapped wind can really hurt. Have you tried anything like Buscopan? Peppermint ? Tummy massage, or a hot water bottle?

    1. I'm so sorry, that sounds really painful. I would always suggest seeing a doctor if you have new or persistent symptoms, just to be sure that it's not something else. It often takes me a couple of days or even weeks to get back to 'normal' after a bad flare, but I don't usually get pain. It's more of a general discomfort and fatigue... I hope that you'll start feeling better very soon. Sending hugs, Karina (team member)

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