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Hello, a little help please

Is there a lower cost option for Xifaxan. Maybe a pharmacy outside the US that it can be ordered from.

Thanks for any help on this.

  1. We have an article about Xifaxan and potential alternatives here:, however, I'm not sure it answers your question... I just checked online and found this website:, however I have no idea how accurate it is so please do your own research before following the advice on there. Hopefully, other community members will share their advice with you soon.
    Karina (team member)

    1. Thank you for those links. The second one gives me some options. Any recommendations of one of those choices or some other would be helpful.

      1. My local insurance and pharmacy here, wanted $1000. Then doctor office referred me to a Canadian pharmacy called Marks Marine. They wanted $500, but they had a contact for pharmacy in India. Was $80. So I got that. Took almost 2 weeks to get it mailed to me.

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