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Have I got IBS?

So I had a stomach bug about a month ago now and since that have had chronic nausea on n off and loose stools a lot, low energy and just feel really low all the time! I started taking a probiotic about two weeks ago and since then things started to look up but just this week I've had horrible nausea and haven't felt like eating....have had a blood test at the Drs and everything has come back normal but they want me to go back for a repeat one in a few weeks because my kidney level is normal but lower than u would expect. After reading lots of forums on here and symptoms of PI IBS , it feels like I have this....please help xx

  1. Hi , I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. It could be post-infectious IBS indeed (Here are 2 articles about post-infectious IBS:,, but since you're still feeling so bad, I would ask for a stool test to see if the infection might still be there. I had a bacterial infection once and the symptoms were very similar to what you're describing. It lasted for over a month and only went away after antibiotics. Even with the stool test, my doctor had told me that they don't test for all types of bacteria that can cause infections, so he really insisted on the antibiotics. But I also live in France where most doctors do that... Have you tried the Low FODMAP diet yet to get your symptoms under control? I hope you'll get some answers soon. Wishing you quick relief, Karina (team member)

    1. Thanks Karina that's really helpful to know! I'm on medication to help the situation now whatver it is so hopefully that will resolve soon x

      1. I really hope so, too! Please keep us updated on how you're feeling. Big hugs, Karina (team member)

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