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Flare up of IBS

I have suffered with IBS for 15+years - food and stress related I have had all the tests and cameras. I am on colofac and satchets to help with constipation and of course Immodium for the other.

For the last 2 weeks, I seem to be stuck in a bad flare-up - I don't have trigger foods persay i can eat sausages for months then it triggers an episode. I have kept a food diary but cannot pinpoint any one particular food.

For example, I had Richmond skinless sausages for dinner last night cooked in the oven on a grill tray as soon as I put my fork down from finishing my meal the cramps started i was in tears as it hurts so much. It has happened at least 3 times last week as soon as I have finished eating and today i just feel so nauseous i cant eat anything.

I am just wondering if this is normal or if should I go back to my GP and be referred back to the gastro specialist at the hospital. I last saw them about 4 years ago (Sorry TMI) after a bad episode left me passing blood clots instead of stools and they had to give me medicine via an injection to stop the cramps which then stopped the blood passing.

  1. Not an expert here but 1-2 thoughts:
    1) Those sausages are pork, right? (looked them up and found those as ingridients)
    Red meat triggers IBS in some (which is why I prefer chicken aka white meat). Pork is also very fatty on top and IBS also makes fat-absorption more difficult (as it does with me).

    2) I often wondered how eating something right this second could actually affect my feelings right after. In anatomy theory (and my gastro agrees with me on this for once) what you eat goes to your stomach and direct reactions shouldn't come that soon (unless they're allergic I suppose). Could it be what you've been eaten before that? (for breakfast perhaps?) I get bloated for lunch at the moment if I ate to many oats for breakfast (they make me gassy currently).

    1. Yes that's so incredibly frustrating! Every time I'm feeling fine for a while I start hoping that I finally found a solution for my IBS. But it always ends up coming back.
      I feel you on the hair salon, that's one of the reasons why I always prefer doing my hair at home... These things used to be enjoyable but aren't at all anymore.
      I live in France actually! How about you?
      Hugs, Karina (team member)

    2. Whenever I get diarrhea, I get very cold, no matter what the temperature, because my electrolytes get thrown off.

  2. I also get illogical things with food. I have mainly IBS-D but do occasionally get constipation, though it's rare.
    But I can go through times when certain foods are fine, and it can often be weeks like that.Then one evening I will eat those same things which have by then become 'safe foods' for me, and have a horrible flare up afterwards.
    I have learned that I don't think it was the food to blame. That my gut was starting to feel slightly uneasy before that, and I dismissed it. That my IBS comes and goes, and turns sometimes no matter what I eat. And that isn't even caused by any particular stress that I am aware of, either.
    It's a nuisance because I get the feeling no matter what I do I can't control anything.

    I often think seasonal changes affect me. I was doing fine until November came with less daylight and more gloomy rainy days! And I had a big flare the day after we put the clocks back an hour!
    I get affected badly in the Spring too. It isn't all about food for me.

    1. I agree with you hateibs, regarding the food triggers not always logical as I can eat a certain food which I think has caused a bad flare up yet another time of eating the same thing has no affect at all. It's one of the most frustrating things about this condition . I know stress plays a huge part and this is so difficult to avoid even if you feel you're OK the stomach reacts to the stress

      1. Yes! Stress plays such a big role and it seems impossible, for me at least, to reduce stress. How are you feeling today? -Amy, team member

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