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Hello everyone. I'm 23 years old and haven't had a relationship yet. Mostly because I can't imagine trying to date someone while dealing with IBS...
I can't eat out at restaurants, during flare-ups I can't leave my apartment and sometimes when being somewhere else I have to go back home due to sudden stomach pain and diarrhea. I can totally understand that this might be annoying and/or difficult for healthy people (or people who are not dealing with this illness). Also how are you going to have your first date? Plus it's kind of awkward (to me) to tell someone you just get to know that you have digestive issues...
So what I'm trying to ask is, how can you find love while having IBS?
Chris H. Community Admin
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Chipsi Member
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hateibs Member
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Michaela Member
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This is a great point! There are so many people out there who are affected in some capacity by it, you may find yourself meeting someone who is in the same boat! IBS can be incredibly isolating, but everyone is worthy of finding love. Thank you for sharing this! ~Michaela ( Team Member)
Chipsi Member
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Thank you for your comment. I thought about that too, finding someone who also has IBS might be better due to understanding each other. I just feel like there is no one in my age with similar issues, they're all quite healthy and adventurous and want to be young and free (which is understandable) but for me it's quite difficult to be that way. But still thank you for your message 😀
JustinOrr Member
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I felt the same way you did for a long time when I was younger until I met my eventual spouse. As you mentioned in your post, I too would find it difficult to go out to a restaurant to eat, only to feel nauseous most of the time and super anxious that I might have a flare-up in the middle of the date. My conversations were nearly non existent (I’m a big introvert too) and I would normally just force down a few bites here and there. I dated a few individuals over the course of a year and never mentioned anything about my digestive issues because in my mind I felt embarrassed about it. I couldn’t go on any adventures with friends or the people I was dating because I thought I always needed to be 10 feet away from a bathroom 24 hours a day. I met my wife when I was 18 (didn’t start dating until I was 17) and in my prime dating years. I finally gathered up the courage to tell her about my IBS issues on our third date, and I was nervous as hell! As soon as I told her she looked at me and said “Oh really? Yeah my dad has that too.” My mind was blown in that moment since at that time I had never even met another person who had IBS or openly talked about it. She proceeded to make light of the situation and I instantly felt comfortable with her, and we’ve now been together for the past 15 years. It was a complete shock to me to be able to find someone that I could openly discuss my bowel movements with, but later on in life I learned that everyone is dealing with their own issues, and I mean everyone. It may take some time to find the right person, but when you do, lock them down (figuratively of course).
You’ll grow and learn with each new person you date, but I promise you there are people out there who will be compassionate and sympathetic to your situation. If the person you are dating is not accommodating for your IBS issues, then they are not worth your time. Be open and honest about some of the limitations you have with activities and food choices (maybe even on the first date to test the waters early) and those who respect your list of do’s and don’ts will be well worth the life experience.
Chipsi Member
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ssmithabc123 Member
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Chipsi Member
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