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Fiber Problem

Fiber problem

I'm not talking about flare-up days, or the "good" days when things are normal, but the days in between,
On a not-too-bad day my stools are 5 on the Bristol scale. Those are days when the bloating isn't too bad, but there is some slight windy discomfort a few hours after dinner for an hour or two.
Those are not "bad" days, and not "good" days, but the general ones in-between.

So, everything I am reading says that to firm up No. 5's, it's necessary to eat more FIBER; that the fiber will help soak up any excess water.
I do already eat a little fruit with breakfast, and at least 2 portions of veggies with dinner, often closer to 3 portions.
If I am not TOO bad, I can have a few nuts too, usually brazil nuts or peanuts, and pumpkin and sunflower seeds (about a tablespoonful) But I don't have those every day.

Beyond that fiber intake I can not go. Even the foods with INSOLUBLE fiber can be very dodgy for me indeed. What will happen is if I eat more fibre, I get type 6 stool instead. Very mushy. This also causes more discomfort and bloating in lower belly.

Sometimes the only way I can firm anything up is by eating hardly any veggies at all, maybe just a little lettuce or 10 green beans, and certainly no fruit. Peeled or not.
I have to take away nuts, seeds, and anything else interesting, and just eat white rice, peeled potatoes (dried off after boiling!) fish and hard boiled eggs...the more bullet-hard and dry the better.

But I can't see a way to keep eating those things and cutting out vegetables! I always try to eat them, and to vary them day to day. I ate them all my life, and to me, that is "food".

It's so frustrating to keep being told I need more fiber, and everywhere I look I am told that, and yet my body can't handle it.

On the "good days" then yes, it can, and I can eat it.

Does anyone else have a real struggle with fiber?

  1. You are definitely not alone in struggling with fiber. It looks like you at least know how to manage and what your body can handle which is half the battle. Honestly, what I've learned in this journey is that when our gut is struggling we have to make adjustments and sometimes that just means staying away from fiber. It's only been with time and medication that I have been able to introduce fiber back into my diet. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Thanks. At least YOU understand! It seems that most advice out there doesn't seem to understand at all. Yes, like you, I have to make adjustments to try to keep a bit of balance.
      May I ask, what medications did you take which helped you?

      1. Well for me, I was diagnosed with IBS along with Crohn's Disease. So I am on a medication called Xeljanz which is for Crohn's. It has helped me tremendously. I'm able to eat so much now and not have so many issues with food. -Elizabeth (team member)

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