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Excessive bloating since years, becoming worse, what to do?

Hello, I suffer from excessive, trapped gas, constipation and an anal fissure.
In social situations, I have to hold back my flatulence and it's really annoying. I can´t allow myself to fall asleep in public because of that. The bloating smells really bad, like rotten eggs…. If I spend some time in a room alone it stinks, I can't stand it anymore!
I went to many doctors and got various diagnoses:
- Fructose Intolerance (While doing the test I had no problems at all=
- Lactose Intolerance (While doing the test I immediately knew that I can't drink milk, I bloated a lot)
- Low elastase (I went to experts who did a pancreas function test. Everything is okay
- Inflammation

I mostly eat rice, chicken, potatoes, coconut milk, bananas and salmon… And even though I eat healthily I fat like someone who just eats fast food all time…. Maybe it doesn’t sound bad but it is!

For the elastase, I take enzymes which don’t help. Even an elastase test a few weeks ago went normal the first time. I also tried Oil of Oregano (It is a natural remedy against Sibo) but it changed nothing at all. I also drink apple vinegar but it changes nothing…
I also did a course on Rifaximin but didn’t helped at all. I guess I gonna try it again…

I don’t know what to do anymore? My last guess is SIBO but testing is expensive and often useless because it can turn out negative although u have it or it turns out positive nothing gonna help….

Or maybe I have MCAS, I don’t know because when I read about it, people hat much more symptoms than just bloating…

Has anyone a tip for me?

  1. Try taking a high quality probiotic. It definitely sounds like your gut flora needs help. Whenever gas is potent it's because there is more bad bacteria present than good. Have you tried eating fermented foods? Sauerkraut and kimchi are great. Anything pickled. Kombucha and Kefir are great as well. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I think constipation is the main cause of the problems you suffer.
      Drinking more water is a healthy natural way to treat constipation. Water is considered a natural stool softener. You should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Next, you must increase your fibre intake to bulk up your stools. Include more high-fibre foods in your diets, such as whole-wheat bread, cooked green vegetables and fresh fruits. I have had chronic constipation and irritable bowel for more than ten years. I tried a lot of natural remedies, but they didn't help because mine is a chronic condition. Last year I consulted with a specialist, who prescribed me a constipation relief capsule. I take it every day after meals for two months. Now I have no problem with constipation. It works wonders for me. If constipation distracts you, try using constipation relief capsules

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