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Dealing now with a new symptom

Although I was diagnosed with “Functional Dyspepsia” last summer, I’ve developed constipation within the last week- something I’ve never had in 20 maybe 25 years (I’m 39). For someone not used to it it can be nerve wrecking, it literally causes my body to tremble and I panic because of the cramps/pain in my backside. I ended up in A and E because I hadn’t went in three days bar straining & straining to let out some pathetic little hard rabbit poops. I got two enemas in the hospital but apparently I didn’t hold them in long enough so they weren’t effective. I got an X -ray and she everything was clear in X-ray bar loads of poop in my large intestine. I was sent home with Laxido sachets and told to take senna/or Prune juice. I done this and later that day I had a diarrhoea explosion at least 4 times that day. It took a few days for my poop to return to normal but now the constipation returned today.

I’m wrecking my brains as to what may have caused it, maybe it was the combined Vitamin C and Zinc supplement that cause it, specifically the Zinc? Maybe Zinc has the same effect as Aluminium and Iron in binding people up? Or maybe my condition is morphing into something else which I’m utterly terrified off - I literally could not go through this everyday.

I’ve also cut out my regular steel oats in the morning and maybe this has caused it due to lack of fibre - I read online rough grains like rolled/steel cut oats that are full of fibre aren’t good for functional dyspepsia and it’s better to have ready oats done in microwave that have less fibre and are easier to break down.

Any thoughts on what I should do. I’ve bombarded my gut with 2 senna tabs, some Magnesium Citrate tabs, laxido and prune juice today from 1- 3pm.
It’s now 8.30pm and I still haven’t went and it’s so uncomfortable. Absolutely fed up with gut problems, any suggestions would be appreciated.

  1. So sorry you are going through this. Constipation is certainly very frustrating and I never liked going through it myself. It's terrible. Perhaps try incorporating the oats back in to see if it helps? Have you tried taking a probiotic daily? That helped me so much with constipation. Also, if you don't like prune juice, pear juice is also very helpful with alleviating constipation. In addition, you can do a stomach massage to help get things moving. Go on you tube and search constipation massage and you can learn. The massage helps me a ton. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Yeah, I’m going to restart my oats again. And maybe take a glass of prune juice every day. It certainly is frightening, when I get the severe cramps down there the sweat actually pisses of me and I begin to tremble. It puts me into a real panic, I’d certainly choose Diarrhoea over Constipation anyday of the week!

      1. I hear you. It really is awful but you will get through it. I hope you improve with starting the oats again. Sending strength your way, Elizabeth (team member)

    2. This is horrible for you. I remember having a bad bout of constipation for 2 days once a few years ago (before my IBS-D started) and it was a horrible experience which had me shaking and sweating and saying my prayers on the loo. I thought my heart was going to bust.
      I was lucky. 2 glycerin suppositories and some foods that usually made me 'go' got it sorted out on the 3rd day, in a fairly gentle way. But my experience I am sure was not on the same scale as yours.

      Apart from your morning oats, have you experimented with other foods like brown rice, wholegrain pasta or breads, lentils, carrots and beets? I always found that foods like that did a better job at slightly loosening but bulking stools than things like prune juice.

      1. Hi, eat carrots, breads regularly anyway. The rice i eat is normally always white rice but I would consider changing to the wholegrain variety for more fibre.
        Sorry to be graphic but I had to do a manual evacuation today again (that’s twice in 5 days). This involved reaching into my rectum to remove the hard bits of poop before the rest came. I realise this isn’t a sensible method but desperate times call for desperate measures.

        My x ray was normal and I’ve no other symptoms like blood in faeces so I assume there’s nothing sinister causing it.

    3. Oh dear, that must be so uncomfortable for you, but I imagine the only way. I don't suppose a glycerin suppository or two would help in that situation? (I am sure you have already tried that)
      If ever I have had to use a suppository -on rare occasions - I have laid for five minutes with my legs and hips elevated, to let gravity assist! The easiest way I have found to do that without hurting my neck, was to put a large pillow at the bottom of the stairs and have my legs stretched out up the stairs.
      I found that helped the suppository to work better.

      An X-ray is a good idea, but did they also suggest other imaging methods, or even a colonoscopy?
      Some doctors are reluctant to refer for a colonoscopy if other findings are normal and no 'red flags' are found. But if you are still uneasy at all, you could ask for a colonoscopy. You have a right for a full investigation if you feel you need that.
      It's good though, that in your case there were no worse worrying symptoms or signs.

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