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So much contradictory advice regarding IBS

Like health & nutrition in general, the advice online regarding diet for IBS is so contradictory. On one hand they say do a low FODMAP diet, on the other hand they say eat PREBIOTICS for long term bowel health, many of which are FODMAPS!

Take onions & garlic for example, these are apparently excellent prebiotics yet they absolutely pulverise people with IBS (including myself), even in the tiniest amounts. Honestly it’s an mindf**k.
In addition, the Doctors & Dieticians can’t even tell me how or why I could tolerate these two foods (like every other food) for 36 years of my life & then I taper off SSRIs, have a massive breakdown & then suddenly I can’t tolerate these foods. It’s just baffles me.

  1. I hear you @lakelander. It can be quite frustrating when it comes to diet. I experience the same contradictories and with my years of being diagnosed I have come to realize that you just have to stick to what works for you. I take advice with a grain of salt and then mix it with what I know my body can handle. I completely understand your frustration though. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Thank you for your reply. Another thing that has conflicting opinions is multi strain probiotics versus single strain probiotics. The internet in relation to health & nutrition can barely agree on one single thing. One half of people will tell you an Avocado is the the healthiest food alive (ie vegans), the other half will tell you it’s plant based garbage (ie paleo crowd).
      I honestly think life was better pre- the internet because it has turned the average person into a raving neurotic who has to check every single piece of food they put in their bodies.

      1. You bring up a great point. I understand completely. I often get conflicting info with health and nutrition as well, which is why I just stick to what works for me. I take bits and pieces from others and then make it my own. If not, we would go mad lol -Elizabeth (team member)

    2. I think a lot of the problem is they don't even know how to treat IBS, nor exactly what causes it, and everything seems to be different depending on the person. The fodmap diet did not work for me because I have nutritional deficiencies I have to eat some of the foods that give me flare ups because vitamins alone won't cover my nutritional needs.

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