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How many of you have so much pain and nausea that you call in sick at work?

I have IBS and do not have my gallbladder anymore. Normally, my doctor has prescribed me prevalite to bind the bile salts that my liver now dumps (at will) into my intestines. This medication normally helps my situation. However, more frequently I have been having more abdominal pain, gas, loose stool, and nausea. I have been calling in sick at work more frequently. How many people have been having issues with this regarding work?

  1. IBS can certainly disrupt work, . I'm sorry to hear about how much work you've had to miss. Many folks have shared about similar troubles with work or keeping work. We have a couple of authors' perspectives on the matter here: & We also have an article with some tips on how to manage IBS at work here: I hope this helps! Thanks for submitting your question. - Chris, Team

    1. Wow so me , currently in the process of getting the FMLA process situated due to missing work . Nausea and pain totally interferes with me at work

      1. Thanks for weighing in, ! How is the process going so far? Any tips for others going through this? – Chris, Team

      2. It’s been a really long process still on going .. just trying to stay positive even though it’s really hard dealing with IBS & work at the same time .

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