Has anyone found any supplement that helps alleviate caffeine-induced IBS other than totally cutting out caffeine?
Michaela Contributor
I haven't found a supplement per say, but I have found that drinking about half a capful of apple cider vinegar diluted in a cup of water has helped me personally a lot. If you don't like ACV digestive bitters are a great alternative. They help to balance out the acidity in your stomach so that your stomach is able to handle the acidity in the coffee better. I recommend speaking to your doctor before trying anything new as well. I hope this helps! All the best, Michaela ( Team Member)
Sawyer Matheny Moderator & Contributor
Thank you so much for sharing! I usually start my day with Imodium to keep myself from those awful coffee poops that set me off on the wrong foot. how have you been feeling as of late? Would love to know! ~ Sawyer (team member)
Dolores Member
Thank you I will give this a try because my morning cup of black tea or sometimes expresso or coffee is my diet reward. Something I do not deny myself since due to IBS C food enjoyment is extremely close to non existent.
Karina Moderator & Contributor
hateibs Member
I love my morning coffee, and always have one (well, 90% of the time I do) because it's my reward for getting up!! But I choose a medium (3) roast and a smooth blend and never like it very strong. I have it without milk or sugar just because that's always how I liked it.
Now I don't mind the "natural peristalsis" effect, and always visit the bathroom after my first coffee about 30 minutes later, but that's fine.
And weirdly if my IBS is going through one of its good phases then the results of that are fairly normal. So I only hold back on having that morning coffee if my gut is dancing a fandango anyway! Otherwise I have my coffee!!
Personally, I have not found that mild-to-moderate caffeine intake has ever made any difference to my IBS. I have two balck teas too later on in the day and they don't seem to cause any problems.
I don't know of any supplement that neutralises caffeine. I do know that exercise can appear to "burn it off" quicker, and I suppose drinking water helps flush the system, but both are not definite caffeine-neutralisers, and are variable in effect.
Neutralising an acid stomach because of sensitivity to caffeine though, is feasible.