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Bloating on one side

Has anyone noticed more bloating on one side than the other? I seem to have more gas trapped on the right side , my doc says it is the case but that doesnt mean much. I find it odd…makes me a bit anxious

  1. Yes! I always get bloating on the right side as well. And lying on the left side usually helps with pain. I'm not quite sure why though...
    Have you found anything to help with the bloating?
    All the best, Karina (team member)

    1. cutting dairy definitely helped me, but still whenever i get gas , it's almost always that side...i guess anatomically makes sense as this is the side the small intestine opens up to the colon...bacteria and by product more active there possibly for some of us...

      1. I'm glad that you feel better without dairy! Are you fine with eating gluten? I'm just asking because it's a common trigger as well, although not everyone reacts to it (!
        As for the explanation, that makes sense I guess!
        All the best, Karina (team member)

    2. i have tested for gluten and i am negative all tests, but still too much can aggravate the situation sometimes... i hv re-introduced a bit of dairry(whey protein , lactose free milk etc) and can feel the pain again... the problem with dairy is not only lactose, but the other proteins as well...need to weigh the benefits vs replacements which are not always as good...thanks for ur msg, hope u are finding ur way also around what bothers u...

      1. My tests regarding also came back negative, but I'm still gluten intolerant. As far as I can tell, these tests only check for coeliac disease. I used to be able to eat little amounts of gluten though and am still okay with trace amounts, so it's not all or nothing.
        With dairy, I feel you! I have completely given up on dairy milk since it doesn't work for me, even the lactose-free options. I currently love rice milk and coconut milk as a replacement. Almond milk as well but I can't have too much of it.
        I've recently seen a nutritionist and she recommended that I pay attention to eating slowly, chewing well and also not drinking too much during meals. This actually helped a lot with bloating, too.
        Wishing you quick relief, Karina (team member)

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