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An embarrassing moment

I never suffered with IBS as a child but I'd like to share one bowel-related embarrassing moment that happened to me when I was 11.
So I was sitting in assembly one morning when all of a sudden I had the sudden urge to fart. Like usual I just held it in, as usually when I did that the feeling just went away.
But this time it didn't, and it kept returning, feeling bigger and more urgent each time. I concentrated hard on squeezing my butt cheeks together to stop it coming out.
But the pressure became so intense that it just started coming out without me being able to control it. And it was so LOUD that, lucky for me, nobody knew who was doing it, and everyone were just looking around them, rather shocked, and trying not to laugh.
I always done silent farts, so this fart that was blasting out of me was surprising, and it wouldn't stop as it vibrated loudly against the plastic chair and went on for several seconds.
I was just so lucky that it was that loud, that it echoed all around the large gym, and nobody knew who done it.
At break (recess) everyone were talking about the huge fart, and I am so glad nobody knew it was me, because they wouldn't have let me hear the end of it if they knew.
Nobody makes a loud fart like that in assembly, it was part of the schoolyard code or whatever it's called.

I don't even know what gave me such gas. Luckily it didn't smell. I didn't really eat breakfast before I left for school, but that was no exception as I never ate breakfast anyway before school, so I don't know why my body had produced so much gas all at once on that particular morning.

Even now I say that was the biggest monster if a fart I have ever done in my life, and I was only a young child!

  1. Oh wow, your body sure chose the worst moment for producing this much gas! Good thing you got away with it without anyone knowing it was you, otherwise that might have been really tough.
    Karina (team member)

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