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Ameliorating Symptoms

Hi! I'm new to this forum, but have a couple of tips to share. I get "attacks" with pain, diarrhea and constipation and my guts feel like a snake writhing around that can last for days. After years of feeling at the mercy of my IBS, I've found a couple of strategies that help put me in control. When symptoms begin to creep up, I drink tea made of peppermint and fennel. It slows down the cramps and diarrhea. My second go-to is my heating pad. Between the two, my belly is soothed, cramps recede and my intestines stop rumbling.

  1. Welcome, ! Glad you found our site! Thanks for sharing these tips. Peppermint has definitely helped a lot of folks here manage some of their symptoms. Glad to hear it works for you, too. Really appreciate you sharing this with us. Take care. - Chris, Team

    1. Those sound like some really fool-proof options! I've heard others suggest that peppermint helps calm their stomach. I've never tried it myself, as it sounds like it would make my tummy worse, in theory, but I'm convinced now. I'll give it a shot, for sure! Heating pads have definitely gone up on my chart of helpful tools. I only recently started using them, especially when I got a stomach bug earlier this year. I actually really like using massagers. Like those three pronged things with the spheres at the end? The vibration really helps move things along and numb the cramping and pain. I'll drive that thing into my guts and try to jostle the pain away. It's been surprisingly helpful! While doing that, I'll usually try and sit in a squat on my haunches. That position really helps get things moving from within me. I'd highly recommend!

      Thank you so much for sharing with us. Your inquiries really do mean a lot! I hope you've been feeling well as of late with an even better understanding of what triggers you and what to do about it! Sending positive thoughts your way ~ Sawyer (team member)

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