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Alcohol and IBS!!

Just recently been diagnosed with IBS, I have struggled for a number of years now especially with alcohol! It started in my early 20’s but I used to just put it down to hangover and if I mentioned it to doctors they didn’t want to know! Know 20 years on it has progressively got worse! I can only have a couple of beers and I feel it the day after! Any more and my stomach feels bloated and painful! I can’t bear the thought of eating anything, spend most of day on toilet!! I don’t believe this to be IBS or does this sound similar to anything anyone has?? I would love to be able to have a drink now and again as it’s got to point know that a just don’t drink!

  1. I don't drink either for this reason. I've just unfortunately found to know that alcohol and digestive issues don't mix. It will always agitate the bowels so if I ever do want to drink, I must with total caution. Here is an article that talks about this topic: -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Thank you I will certainly take a look at that. Has yours got worse the older you have got?

      1. I'm not Elizabeth, but I just wanted to share that I have the same issue and usually avoid alcohol for that reason. Wine is still okay most of the time though, as long as I have one glass. I believe that for me, it may have gotten worse as I got older. But I could never drink a lot, even as a teenager...
        Karina (team member)

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