I'm so sorry that you've been dealing with such bad cramps since your colonoscopy! While I personally haven't had one, I did a quick search on our website and found that you're definitely not the only one. Here are two articles that talk about worsening IBS symptoms after the procedure:
"My doctor suggested that the natural “good” bacteria that normally live in our digestive tract had been knocked out of balance with the colonoscopy prep. I began taking several different probiotics [...] Eventually, the intense symptoms subsided, but it took about six weeks."
"One physician suggests that it is actually not the colonoscopy procedure itself that causes worsening IBS symptoms, but the prep prior to having it, and any insult to the gut can take up to months to recover from."
These two quotes from the articles align with the suggestion from , so you could try talking to your doctor or pharmacist about some probiotics that might help you (if you haven't already). Maybe they'll have other ideas, too.
I hope it gets better very soon!
Wishing you quick relief, Karina (team member)