This is me!

I have lived with IBS all my life. Once upon a time it literally ruled my life, I hardly ate out, due to it being difficult, based all my outings on bathroom facilities and never went swimming. People would assume it was just a mere stomachache and would tell me to change my diet and ask if the pain was as bad as I would make it out to be!

I met my Husband, 10 years ago and his kindness and understanding changed EVERYTHING! He researched many different things and made foods I could eat and also made plans around me and has never questioned when I'm unable to do something. He has been my rock and also main motivation, as he eats the Low FODMAP Diet, exercises, plans outings on facilities for me and has even gone to the extent of buying a portable toilet, for when we do take long trips. He has seen me at my worst and all time lows in life, but always manages to pick me up and keep our little Family together.

I have lost numerous friends and also family from having IBS. I've now come to the realization that no matter what, all that matters is who you have in your life, that truly understand you and the rest doesn't matter. I have learnt to appreciate the good days, go with the bad days and just to roll with the extremely bad days and just listen to my body. Living with IBS is hard, but it's definitely taught me a lot, not only about myself but others. Compassion goes along way, be kind as everyone is fighting their own battles.

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