IBS, My Constant Companion

I was diagnosed with IBS 20 some years ago. Since then, I've tried different meds and methods.

Sometimes I go through short periods were I think I am ok, to fall back into full desperation where nothing else matters but where would I find a bathroom, what can I eat, and what I should wear.

Never being able to anticipate = daily frustrations

I always have to be ready in the event I get that awful urge/sensation that lasts seconds, and most times I don't make the toilet in time. I will be crying in utter frustration and not eat all day for fear it will happen again. I think I know most of my trigger foods, but to this day, sometimes I think even water will affect me.

Lately, we had a horrible, tragic loss in our immediate family. That, and the heat and humidity we are going through this summer, has me sicker than ever.

Can anyone relate? What advice could you share with me? My gastro suggested I take a probiotic fiber supplement; I don't know if that is any help.

This is my story.

Help others feel a little less alone.

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