Why You Should Buy A Portable Toilet

Just this week, my Fiancé and I had a double date. We went out to dinner and had the most lovely time. We ate at one of our favorite Italian restaurants, and I was excited for the food and drinks.

Planning a fun time out

It had been weeks since I had drunk alcohol. I think we can all relate when I say you just go through periods where you take a break because the aftermath of drinking is too costly to deal with. You get heartburn, bloating, indigestion, and urgency, so taking a break is necessary.

However, the excitement of going out and being social got to me and I decided to have two cocktails. It sounded like a great plan in the moment but it ultimately ended up being a mistake.

Becoming bloated while leaving the restaurant

Towards the end of dinner, I felt bloated and uncomfortable. The drink was excessively sugary so my stomach just felt off and I suddenly realized that I needed to use the restroom. The only thing was, when I realized this, the four of us were standing outside waiting for valet to retrieve our cars and the restaurant had already closed its doors and the lights were out.

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Clenching I decided to try and make it home, as it was late and there were no other restaurants or businesses around that were open. Just my luck.

Urgency so bad I needed to use an alley

As I jumped into the car and we began to pull out of the front of the restaurant, the urgency hit me so bad that I knew this was an emergency. Immediately I looked at my Fiancé and he has been with me so long that he knew in seeing my face that this was going to be bad. I said: you need to pull over now.

And so it happened. About 11:30pm at night, I had to turn into an alley to use the restroom. It was that or completely ruin my fabric car seats. To me, the alley was a much better choice.

We pulled into the alley, there was a large dumpster where we stopped closely in front of. I opened my door and took a squat.  Calmly my Fiancé walked around the car to open the back passenger door to create a sort of make shift restroom and I had privacy.

Grateful I had an emergency kit

In my car, I am always prepared with baby wipes and toilet paper so to be frank, once I finished it was like nothing happened. I just had to deal with the stress of hoping no one would see me and of course I felt horribly to be in the situation I was in.

Afterwards, we drove home and had to chuckle at the absurdity of it all. But I feel like that is the only solution you have in a situation like this. You can ruminate over the awful experience or you can brush it off and continue to enjoy the rest of your day.

It would have been easier with a portable toilet

What I did learn, is that the best possible solution that would have saved me embarrassment and stress was if I had a portable toilet in my car. I could have relieved myself in the privacy of my vehicle in a calmer manner.

And so this is my public service announcement: purchase a portable toilet off of Amazon and save yourself from the embarrassment. And always keep baby wipes and toilet paper in your glove compartment.

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