Going to Spain with IBS

I will be going to Europe for the first time and I am beyond thrilled. I can’t contain my excitement as I have been wanting to go to Spain since I was 14 years old.

Oversees trip requires special packing plan

Traveling abroad can be daunting, especially if you are flaring. Thankfully, in my case, symptoms are under control, and I feel confident about this trip. I felt like it would be helpful to walk you through how I will be packing and prepping for this adventure.

Make room for enough essential items to manage IBS

Firstly, I made sure to pack the essentials I needed. I will be gone for 16 days, so I made sure to pack an appropriate amount of the following daily essentials: ultra-thin pads and baby wipes. I use these daily. I always have a travel-size pack of baby wipes in my purse. And I always have about four or five pads in my purse zipper each day. The reason for this is that in case I do have an accident, I am prepared.

Bring peppermint oil to soothe nausea

Secondly, I make sure I have a small bottle of peppermint essential oil. I use this oil often.  If I ever get nauseous, this is kind of a miraculous treatment. It is great at taking nausea away.  I rub it onto my stomach, and it quickly offers relief. This oil is also great for constipation and gas.

Extra underwear

Thirdly, I always pack extra underwear because, well you never know.

Pack medications

Last but not least, I pack prednisone. I do so because in addition to IBS I was also diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. Thankfully my symptoms are all under control, but being that I will be out of the country I always like to have prednisone on hand. In case I were to get in some sort of a flare, I can take this and ease symptoms until I get back into the country.

Preparing for the flight

For the flight, I will be sitting in the aisle seat. In my travel purse, I will have safe foods on hand to snack on. I always buy a large water bottle to take onto the plane as well. Pads and wipes are always in my purse and a travel neck pillow will also be at easy reach.

I won’t be leaving into late evening, so I will be able to eat a proper meal in the comfort of my home then take off for the airport. This is very convenient, as I know I will have a full stomach and only need to worry about snacks to tie me over towards the last leg of the trip.

Overall, the more I plan the better I feel. I cannot wait to travel to Spain and enjoy its culture. I am not nervous about food since as I mentioned before my symptoms have been mostly under control. I am able to eat a variety of foods. Most importantly, I feel prepared and confident to travel which is refreshing. IBS has been a long road for me. There was a time that just a short car trip gave me terrible anxiety. I have improved so much and am thankful I can now travel abroad.

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