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What I Eat in a Day with IBS

When it comes to diet we are all so different in what we tolerate and don’t tolerate.  Diet is truly individualized when it comes to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) but I do still find it important to share.  When we share we can inspire new ideas within each other and that is so valuable.

So I thought I would share what I eat in a day in hopes to offer new ideas to your daily food menu.

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Breakfast with IBS

Naturally, I will start with breakfast.  I am a big breakfast girl.  If I don’t eat a proper first meal, my entire day will be thrown off.  My typical breakfast consists of scrambled eggs, sourdough toast with either butter or strawberry jelly and a handful of fruit on the side.

Typically for fruit I go for strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe or a peeled apple.  Those are my usuals and I just rotate them.  I then take my supplements which at the moment consist of liquid vitamin d, L-glutamine, beef intestines, beef liver and sea moss.

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Lunch and snacks with IBS

For lunch, I tend to gravitate towards a salad or leftovers from dinner the night before.  When I make a salad it usually consists of the following: buttered lettuce which is my favorite kind of salad.  Grilled chicken chopped into pieces.  Sundried tomato, shredded cheese, tortilla strips for crunch and chopped potato.  I then make a homemade salad dressing which consists of olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper and garlic powder.  I love this salad.  It is filling and tastes awesome.

In late afternoon, I am always hungry so I snack.  Either I reach for salted nuts, or I take a rice cake and spread almond butter on top.  I love to snack on carrots dipped in ranch dressing.  And sometimes I even make myself a smoothie.

If I do a smoothie it will consist of banana, strawberry, pineapple, organic milk, sea moss, honey and ice.  I love this smoothie.  It is refreshing and sweet.  I recently read up on the benefits on sea moss and how it helps with digestion amongst the many other benefits so I’ve been incorporating it into my diet daily.

Dinner with IBS

Lastly for dinner, a go-to meal of mine is baked cod, grilled asparagus and mozzarella with chopped tomato drizzled with balsamic glaze.  This meal is delicious and I always feel good after eating it.  It doesn’t leave me bloated or feeling uncomfortable.  It is light, refreshing and healthy—not to mention easy to make.

I bake the cod and season it with salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Simultaneously, I bake the asparagus by coating it with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder.  While those items are baking, I cut up organic tomatoes and place fresh mozzarella slices on top of them.  Drizzle a bit of olive oil and balsamic glaze and it’s all done.  Easy yet bursting with flavor and satisfaction.

This is just a sliver of what I do eat.  I also love baking chicken and making homemade mashed potatoes.  Another meal I love is gluten free spaghetti with ground turkey meat sauce.

Finding food that works for you

Overall, it is important to find what foods work for you and your IBS symptoms.  I know many of you will find this menu unproductive, but perhaps some will find it great and try it out some of these meal ideas.  I will say, my IBS has been pretty stable so I am able to eat a wider range of foods than usual.

How about you, what is your go-to meal?  Are you able to have any of these food items mentioned?  Share below, we love to hear from you.

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