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Vet and fruit

There are many types of fruit and veg that I have been unable to eat because of my ibs. I have the diarrhoea type . I know that I must be lacking vitamins etc in my diet but I don’t really want to pop pills. My son has suggested that I may be able to have these missing foods in my diet if they were blended and has just bought me a nutribullet.
I am wondering if this would help me to eat things like green veg and various fruits that I can’t at the moment. Now I can’t eat apples unless I peel them, then I am fine. I can’t eat anything spicy . Too much roughage sets off an attack as does
I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on this.

  1. - Thanks for sharing this topic! We've heard from other communities who rely on smoothies to get the nutrients they need, and we have some more information on this here: Hope this helps. - Chris, Team

    1. Thank you for the recipes I shall enjoy trying them out.

      1. Hey ,

        It's unfortunate that many fruits and vegetables give most individuals with IBS-D digestive complications. The problem with many fruits and vegetables for people with IBS-D is the higher concentration of fiber and sugar, both of which can cause potential issues for IBS sufferers. I experience the same issue with many fruits where the skin is meant to be eaten (apples, pears, nectarines, etc.) as well as fruits with higher concentrations of sugar like strawberries and blueberries which usually give me uncontrollable diarrhea if eaten in larger quantities. Vegetables with high fiber especially those in the cruciferous family (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc.) usually cause problems for me as well, including extreme gas and bloating.

        The best advice I have when trying to add these nutritious foods to your diet with minimal complications is to eat them in smaller quantities at one time, as well as mixing them with other substances you generally have no issues with. For instance, if I am going to eat broccoli, first I will steam it. Yes, this will lower the nutrient content compared to eating it raw, but since it is already in a more broken down state after steaming, it will be easier for your body to digest and break down even further. I would usually only have two or three small pieces, not an entire head of broccoli. Also, I would mix it with something like plain white rice, that way it has something to bind to in the digestive tract, instead of shooting through me like a bullet train. When you are trying to get in your fruits, if you plan to continue to make smoothies (which I personally love!) add in some other ingredients that will also slow down your digestion. I love peanut butter and banana smoothies, or mixed berry and vanilla protein powder and chia seed smoothies. Adding in other substances such as the peanut butter or protein powder will slow the rate of absorption, including the uptake of sugar in your body and blood stream. Instead of getting that usual initial sugar spike right after consuming a sugar filled drink, your body will be able to utilize the energy from the sugar over a longer period of time, and allow your body time to digest the fruit a little easier, minimizing your complications.

        It can sometimes be very difficult to eat healthy when some of the healthiest foods in the world make you writhe in pain. Hopefully the smoothie recipe list Chris posted will give you a great head start on your smoothie adventures. Enjoy!

        1. Thank you so much for sharing all these tips! I agree that eating small quantities of fruits and vegetables and mixing them with white rice helps a lot. Also, just from your list above, it's incredible how different we all are. I'm personally fine with most fruits as long as I don't eat too much, but I would never be able to eat cabbage without getting sick. Hope you're having a symptom-free day! - Karina (team member)

      2. I have learned never to force myself to eat things that I know upset my gut. Those will be high fiber foods, apple skins, potato skins, etc. I hate this because I used to be able to eat everything. But now my gut is like a temperamental toddler.
        So I always have to peel things.
        If my gut is calmer, I sleep better, have a better day, am more optimistic, have better energy. I would rather have that than try to fit in with what we have learned from others is supposed to be a "healthy diet"!

        I feel much healthier doing my own thing. But I do also take liposomal vitamin C (in small doses at a time) and a good multivitamin-mineral complex to make up any nutrition shortfall.

        Some veggies are okay for me, and I try to keep as much variety as possible, but I always cook them now (steamed until just a bit "al dente" not too uncooked) , with the exception of lettuce. I have even peeled zucchini and cucumber. When peeled, I can eat small/moderate amounts with no ill effects. I have IBS-D.

        1. Glad you're feeling okay today! I haven't been too bad either, so stocking up on some veggies while I can. 😉
          I agree about the balancing act. I also heard that several community members had positive experiences working with a nutritionist to prevent deficiencies and calm their gut at the same time. That's definitely something I would look into in the future if my current diet ever stops working. Wishing you a symptom-free day! Karina (team member)

        2. It sounds like you've taken great care to take care of yourself. I'm glad that it's working for you! I hope it continues to work for you. Thanks for sharing! Cheers, Michaela ( Team Member)

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