Hi, after having suffered of kidney stones, 5 years ago, my doctor gave me to take a dietary supplement pill (potassium citrate) to take it one per meal, in order to dilute my urine.
Meanwhile I started to suffer of IBS with meteorism and diarrhea, firstly occasionally but month after month this problem increased.
I had to change my diet and exclude foods like vegetable, fruit and all kind of sweets, drinks with sugar too.
2 weeks ago I started to take the same pills but with an "update": in the new recipe, titanium dioxide (E171) has been removed.
And this is where it gets interesting: my IBS starts to improve and I could finally re-start eating all foods!
15 days is a very short time to test it, and I could jump to a conclusion only after 2-3 month, but it seems that titanium dioxide was the cause of my bowel problems.
This idea seems to be confirmed by the fact E171 is being removed from food and drugs because it is found dangerous for human health, although the results are not so clear and more research is necessary.
What I found interesting is that in one of this studies, mice who eat E171 starts to have IBS (!!!) and improve the risk of colon cancer.
What do you think? Anyone in the same situation as me?