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I have been experiencing mucus and blood in my stool and when I wipe afterward, bowel frequency has increased and I don’t always feel like iv finished, no pain or cramps but uncomfortable in my bottom, doctor thinks it’s ibs as my blood and stool samples are normal, but when I read about ibs, blood in stool isn’t a symptom, I’m confused🤦🏼‍♀️

  1. Blood and mucus are not a symptom of IBS but of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. You need to get a different doctor because he/she is not giving you proper treatment. You need to be tested for IBD and have a colonoscopy. Once blood and mucus are involved you need to be proactive in doing tests. I have both IBS and IBD. Please see another GI because currently yours is doing you a disservice. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. In addition to Elizabeth's comment, here's an article she wrote on the symptoms to focus on that are indicative of IBD, that may be helpful to you: Wishing you some answers and relief very soon. Please keep us posted on how you are doing, if you'd like. Best, Kelly, Team member

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