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IBS -M now (versus original diagnosis of D.)

I was diagnosed with IBS D in 2020. But I'm now thinking it's not, but IBS M (mixed) instead.
It's never a question of 'overflow diarrhea'. I am regular every morning with a good complete bowel movement.
I will get weeks of being normal (type 4 stool and either no other symptoms or just gas when I wake up) That can be followed by looser stool (5 usually but on rare occasions 6) For no unusual foods routines or stresses. Just looser.
Then back to normal. But sometimes I get constipation. It's usually a case of just not being able to go at all for that day but with no pain, problems, or trying to go. There's just no urge.
I let it be and eat as normal. Weirdly I always feel really well in myself when that happens! Feel like I could run for miles.
I wait for the next day. Next day usually the same.
I quite like that because it means I dare try more fibre, and some of my favourite foods which most of the time I daren't eat!
That day, sometimes after some exercise and a couple of nice coffees, I manage to go a bit around lunchtime. All is well.
Next day everything is normal. Good bm, and things steady out over the next week or so. Regular and healthy.
Then back to the loose stools again for maybe a week or two.
And so on, like this.....
I shouldn't complain. It's not too bad managing this. Compared to what many with IBS get, it's a breeze.
But I find it frustrating because I put certain foods on my grocery order depending on what I can eat at the time I order.
By the time it arrives, sometimes I have switched the other way and can't eat them !!!
I end up wasting food, unless I see my friend and give her the food before it goes off.
IBS seems like some kind of grocery comedy sometimes! Such a nuisance.

  1. I feel you on the grocery list, it's so hard to foresee what we'll be able to eat on a particular day. If you don't experience any pain or discomfort during those days, I would also just enjoy them! To avoid wasting food, could you maybe cook it in advance and then just freeze it if you can't eat it? Karina (team member)

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