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IBS-D and turmeric

Does anyone use Turmeric improve symptoms? How about combined with black pepper for increased bioavailability? What about combined with peppermint oil or other things?

I don't ever have pain or cramps, I just poop like a cow. Following the FODMAP diet makes no difference. This disorder is called functional diarrhea but it still greatly effects my quality of life.

  1. Hi , I have personally tried turmeric capsules in the past and they did nothing for me, however I hadn't addressed my diet or stress levels at that point, so that may be why.
    Now I always add turmeric to my meals when I'm flaring (I have IBS-D and similar symptoms to you) and it helps. I don't usually combine it with black pepper, so I don't know if that would make a difference.
    I'm also going to link a couple of articles that mention turmeric: 1), 2), 3) This last one also discusses peppermint oil.
    Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

    1. Thank you for posting the links. What amount in milligrams do you take that is helpful? From the scientific studies I have read they used larger dose of Turmeric, even measured by grams. It was used and was more effective with peppermint oil. I like to be my own guinea pig and would like to try it. For instance, I guinea pigged probiotics using a brand that helps my husband it had no effect

      1. I just use the spice, not a supplement form, so I have no idea how much I use. But I do add quite a lot. If you end up trying it, with or without peppermint oil, I'd love to hear about your results!
        You're right about trying everything for yourself, there's no way of knowing in advance what might work. Probiotics are very hit or miss for different people, I'm sorry the brand your husband uses didn't help you.
        Karina (team member)

    2. Also guinea pigged that peppermint IBguard Gut Health supplement they sell at Walmart- no effect.

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