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IBS and weak sphincter

After anal cancer surgery for a tumor, radiation and 2 weeks of chemo 20 years ago, I still suffer from unpredictable bouts of diarrhea. I live in constant fear of an embarrassing accident due to no control over loose stools. Does anyone else have a similar story? Any successful strategies?

  1. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that 20 years ago. I've never had these treatments, but I did have a lot of issues with a weak pelvic floor after having my first baby (with lots of tearing and stitches). What helped me with that was pelvic floor therapy (more info here: Have you tried that before?
    I hope other community members will share their experiences with you soon.
    Big hugs, Karina (team member)

    1. Yes. I have done pelvic floor therapy also used medtronic stimulator. My sphincter is basically gone. I have a Fenix magnet in my sphincter but it is not helpful with loose (IBS D) stools. I am now researching anal plugs ( insert and remove like a tampon) and sphincter stem cell research at University of Virginia. It is an embarrassing way to live not to mention always being fearful.

      1. I’m so sorry, that sounds very hard. I hope the plug or stem cell research will end up possible options for you. Have you consulted with any specialists about any of those yet?
        Karina (team member)

    2. I have a doctors appointment today and taking 6 little bottles of stool samples for lab. I plan on asking about the plug, also breath test to identify food sensitivity. I will write the Virginia college about their sphincter stem cell research. Thank you for your concern and I will update!

      1. Hopefully, you'll get some answers from the stool tests. Were you able to discuss the plug and breath test with your doctor?

        Yes, please keep us updated about the University of Virginia!
        Big hugs, Karina (team member)

    3. Yes. Breath test has to be done through allergist. This was my PCP PA, she did not know about plug but thought it sounded good. They are testing my digestive enzymes, any parasites, virus, bacteria and fat absorption through the stool tests.

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