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Hi all, hope your all well. I've been a long term IBS sufferer, but in the majority I'm absolutely not as badly affected as many. I just have times where my bowel seems overactive and I go many times a day. A few weeks ago I had a bad spell, and it passed in a few days, but seems to have left me with a really sensitive bladder.i constantly feel the urge to go. I've been checked out, no infection etc, they think the bowel has affected the bladder. I know IBS sufferers do sometimes have bladder issues, I just wanted to hear some others experience and any tips. Many thanks
Kelly Dabel, RD Community Admin
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mktggirl Member
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I have had diagnosed IBS-D for over 20 years, but have only started struggling with bladder issues in the last few years. I figured it had something to do with two rounds of childbirth. I got tired of feeling like I had to pee all the time and I finally made an appt to see a urogynecologist (it is a thing!). I found out that IBS and Overactive Bladder (OAB) are "dysfunctional twins". Physical therapy and trying out a couple different prescriptions I finally got some relief. It's still balancing taking care of my IBS-D and my OAB, every day can be different, but there is peace in knowing what these are and learning about these conditions and new treatments.
Karina Member
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Almatti Member
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I am a 71 yo, Male, who has suffered with IBS (A Nervous Stomach - he Dr called it when it first appeared in 1982 +/-). I posted earlier about the varied Spinal Issues I have as well, which evolved from a 1 inch shorter right leg, which was a result of a fractured Femur in 1966 (at age 15) playing HS Football. That leg length discrepancy (LLD, yes that too is a "thing"😉 has created total Havoc with my Spine and my total well Being. It was left Unaddressed by the Ortho Doctor and my parents at that time. After about 15 years - the problems began to erupt in lower back pain/stiffness. It's a Long story which I also posted earlier to get to this point.
I have come to learn through my Personal research (doctors can't spend the time) investigating the affects to the Central and Peripheral Nervous system from Spinal Issues. For Instance, Cervical Instabilities (stenosis, disc issues & bulges, facet joint arthritis , etc) Wreak Havoc ......Everything goes Up and Down from that point at the base of your skull - The Atlas (the first cervical Vertebrea ) & the Axis (the second). TMJ, Sinuses, Tinnitus, Occipital / Temporal pain and headaches, yes,,,,, IBS /GERD, and Bladder & Bowel Incontinence (whih I suffer with too). I have various sites of Stenosis in my spine, but specifically at L2, L3 L5-S1. Checkout the affects of the Lumbar Vertebrea (L5 is a Crucial one that affects your Piriformis muscles, your Saddle area, and is the main contributor to Sciatica!!). Moreover, the L5-S1 vertebrea are dislocated (Spondylioethesis ) -That is affecting the Bladder and Bowel.
Look to this You Tube Channel..... Csring Medical , Dr. Ross Hauser, MD and Chiropractor about Cervical Instabilities and the affects to the Body Throughout !! Eye openeing... All doctors simply treat Symptoms not Causes .... "Take this Pill for Your Ill". IMHO, (I'm no Doctor) for you ladies especially, have your Lumbar spine examined for maladies . PS: I have Denerative Disc Disease (DDD) througout my spine and Dextroscoliosis of 25 degrees.... From the LLD for 55 years. it twisted and Curved my spine - That affects Nerves . Good Wishes to All. 😀😀
Karina Member
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Wishing you all the best,
Karina (team member)
Almatti Member
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Karina, I have tried 6 Chiros, Acupuncture and even Facet Joint injections 2X and 2 Epidurals. The Chiropractors helped a little (You must find the right person) ; the acupuncture administered by a MD Chinese doctor after 40 sessions or so, did very little. I just recently learned of an "issue" revealed only some months ago about my first Cervical MRI done in 2012. My Pain Management doctor told me that the Radiologist's report from that time, revealed that I had a More Narrow than Normal Spinal Canal !! So, IMHO (unscientific for sure), having that Birth "defect" combined with deteriorated discs from Degenerative Disc Disease ("DDD"😉 and facet Joint / vertebrae arthritis with sites of Stenosis, is it no wonder that this is the CAUSE OF MANY ISSUES. Common Sense would dictate that. One older neurologist whom I visited, recommended by 1 of the Chiropractors, 52 years in practice, in 2018, reviewed my Crevical and Lumbar MRIs like no other! Wearing the Classic White Coat with lots of "Snow On The Roof" , spent over 1/2 hour going over and explaining the MRIs seating next to me on a Laptop. He said my spine was very compressed in many areas. But he mentioned one thing that was enlightening. The Discs at L2 & L3 were Bulging into the rear and the Front. The Bulges into the front "could" affect your stomach !! My GI doctor disagrees wholeheartedly. One Spinal Surgeon that examined me, from Mt. Sinai in NYC, told me that I have Dextroscoliosis at 25 degrees in the Lumbar region. He said "may doctors count that issue Short" . It can affect the nerves leading to many organs : lungs, stomach and even the heart.
Bottom line to my stories and afflictions to all here ..... Take action , don't wait like I did. Drink lots of water (which I did NOT). Pay attention to your Body. Seek your own answers - you have the Interweb as a vital Tool. And I am willing to bet that those that suffer with IBS /GERD/ and other Anxiety driven maladies have "something" wrong with their Spinal Health. The affects of Mind -Body Connections [there are many books to read about it - Checkout Dr. John Sarno's books about it, deceased now, but former head of Orthopedic Surgery at NYU Langone], is an Outstanding topic that the typical doctor will dismiss very easily.... Just Take a Pill For The Ill.
Karina Member
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Wishing you all the best,
Karina (team member)