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IBS and Shift rotation

I'm curious if anyone else has issues with ibs and shift rotation and how do you deal with it. My flare ups occur when I'm adjusting my sleep schedule.

  1. I don't have any personal experience with shift rotation, but I do struggle with changes in my routine, so I can only imagine how hard it must be when you're having to adjust your sleep schedule.
    How often do you have to do this?
    We have a couple of articles about sleep and IBS, maybe you could find some insights or tips in there? 1), 2), 3) I hope this helps a bit while we wait for other community members to reply!
    All the best, Karina (team member)

    1. I'm on my 3rd flare up since starting nightshift rotation on Sunday, My sleep is getting better, at least until I have to change back to days. But my remedies don't seem to be helping much this time. I'm wondering if I have an inflamed colon or diverticulitis. Going to see Dr on Tuesday then Gi Dr on Halloween. Might need to find another job. GI issues sure can affect your life. Thanks for the advice and I appreciate , she is always helpful with everyone on this website.

      1. You're very welcome! Sometimes a job just doesn't work for us. 🙁 I had to quit my very stressful job a couple of years ago and it helped so much.
        I hope you'll start feeling better soon as your body adapts to the new schedule. I can somewhat relate, my routine also got completely disrupted this past week and I've been feeling miserable.
        Please keep us updated after your appointments. I hope you'll get some answers and help from your doctors.
        Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

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