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Ibs and dizziness

Does anyone else suffer with dizziness with iBS

  1. Thanks for reaching out. I hope our community shares their personal experiences with you. Also, be sure to speak with your doctor about any new, changing or concerning symptoms, if you haven't already. Do you notice a pattern of when you feel dizzy? Is it correlated to having a bowel movement or perhaps to not eating for a few hours? Could it be related to dehydration? In addition to speaking with your doctor, this article may be helpful to you: Wishing you some answers and relief ahead. best, Kelly, Team member

    1. Yes but for me it's because as soon as I start being sick from IBS I get anxious, hence the dizziness.

      1. I started experiencing dizziness & vertigo 3yrs after getting IBS. I can't look down for more than 10 seconds before I start to get dizzy. My former GP said that I just need to do more neck exercises. I haven't been able to bring it up with my new GP yet.

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