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I have had ibs for over 10 yrs now .
Does anyone experience noises from the intestines .

  1. Yes definitely. What kind of noises specifically? -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. groaning, squeal etc
      Can be quite tiring sometimes.

    2. Yes, I get the same. It is no fun. At least you know you aren't the only one. -Elizabeth (team member)

  2. Oh yes! Gurgles, squeals, squawks, all sorts! What kind are you hearing? ~Michaela ( Team Member)

    1. Hey that's a pretty good description of the noises, couldn't put it better. I get it more at evening too time

      1. Get those too. You aren't alone. Totally normal. -Elizabeth (team member)

    2. It's warming to know that thanks

      1. You are so welcome! -Elizabeth (team member)

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