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Gastritis together with lbs

Hi all! I am here for a loved one. Have chronic gastritis and ibs. Experienced bleeding stool with anemia. Have a chronic diarrhea especially when skipping meals or don’t eat when hungry. Was prescribed hydrite, ferus, antibiotics,metronidazole and hidrasec. Feeling quite ok. Is the anemia caused by bleeding stool and chronic diarrhea reason for both gastritis and ibs? Thanks in advance for finding time to read and answer.

  1. Hi , I'm so sorry you're dealing with all this.
    Before addressing your question, I just wanted to note that blood in the stool isn't normally a symptom of IBS (I'm not sure about gastritis) - did your doctor perform any tests to rule out other conditions? This article talks about the importance of not ignoring such symptoms:
    You're not the only one experiencing gastritis and IBS at the same time, these advocates are, too: , .
    As for anemia, I'm going to share the following articles with you:,
    It could however also be a symptom of IBD:
    From what I've read, anemia doesn't seem to be the cause of digestive issues but rather the other way around. I'm not an expert though.
    I hope that this helps and that other community members will chime in as well!
    Wishing you all the best,
    Karina (team member)

    1. Thank you so much for finding time to answer. It helps a lot. Still waiting for stool test results. Doctor also advised to undergo colonoscopy. I hope and pray everything will be normal. 🙏

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