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Fibromyalgia, IBS and Restless Legs Syndrome

The prescription I'm on every night for Restless Legs Syndrome is brilliant! I couldn't sleep or lay down without it.
But I also have IBS and Fibromyalgia.
I've been thinking that the exhaustion I have after stressful environments have kept me in bed for several days is all caused by IBS that's triggered by my Social Phobia. But I'd forgotten about good ol' Fibromyalgia!
After reading as many articles by medics as possible last week, I come to the conclusion that it's time I took my diagnosis of Fibromyalgia more seriously.
I've read that doctors tell us that Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by both IBS and Restless Legs Syndrome.
I'm so glad I know that.
I've found a Fibromyalgia support group and I'm already in contact with them. The Chairman will meet me for coffee soon.
Does anyone else here find these connections with IBS interesting?

  1. I find it so so interesting. I think many diagnoses are linked actually. For example it is common to have multiple autoimmune diseases. I'm glad you found a support group and are being so proactive to help get you feeling better. That is always the best thing anyone can do for themselves. Best, Elizabeth (team member)

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