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New to this forum. Very old to IBS.

Many years ago probably back in the 1950s, I had an attack of amoebic dysentery in Mexico. A few weeks after I got back home I thought that the dysentery was back. But it wasn't, it was my first attack of IBS. It was very intermittent for the first few years. Then when it came back about 25 years ago I started taking Metamucil which really helped. Nowadays I sometimes go a few weeks without an episode. My current regimen is taking ibgard everyday, and also taking papaya, acidophilus and a probiotic. Also trying to eat some yogurt everyday. And watching the fodmaps.

My doctor said, you've been dealing with this for 50 years, just keep on dealing with it.

When IBS is at Bay I feel like I have the world by the tail, then it returns and it has me by the tail. Literally.

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