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Road To Recovery

I have had varying degrees of IBS most of my adult life and I am 71. I have had two bowel resections. Nothing was working. Then I found a functional physician in my area who is working with me.

Leaving house without worries

First change was adding a super strong probiotic. I would love to share the name but I am not sure it is allowed. I also added two digestive enzymes with every meal. These changes alone improved my chronic colitis. Then he asked me if I had my gallbladder removed. I had it removed 10 years ago. The colitis has been much worse since then. He added the medication Colestipol with my noon meal and evening meal. What a difference. Colitis is almost gone. If I skip one I have issues the next day. It is very clear that the combination of probiotic and digestive enzymes with the Colestipol has been a game changer. I lost 15 pounds of bloat and can now leave my house without worries.

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I know that IBS is so different for everyone but I wanted to share the changes I have made that just might help even one person in this IBS community.

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