IBS + College undergrad + anxiety
Hey everyone! This is Aditya from India. I am 3rd year undergrad suffering from IBS. I first felt bad in January 2016, when I had an urge to go to toilet, but couldn't pass stools. This happened for a week and then stomach felt bad.
I then started taking homeopathy and other medicines to help me cure this.
At that time I had my entrance exam for University (April 2016) and so I thought this was only because of anxiety which will get over once I go to college.
In college everything was very good,(July 2016- July 2017), my first year was good. Then in October 2017, I started feeling nervous in class (no bloating or acidity). This was followed by semester break and then in January 2018 I started suffering from hyperacidity, anxiety and took homeopathy again up to October 2018. I had stopped taking homeopathy and felt good during summer, but again bloating, anxiety pour in and I started taking homeopathy in June 2017.
Then in one day in the month of October I took 20mg rabicip as recommended by a doctor because of (1st major flare up) flare up in my stomach.
I took it regularly for month and then alternatively afterwards, then during last week of November I had huge flare in my stomach like a (2nd flare up like a stomach migraine) so doctor then prescribed me pantop 40 daily .
In the initial days of both the medicines I felt great, my tummy was light and my health was good. But as I continue with a medicine their effect don't occur much.
Now in January 2019, I consulted a psychiatrist and he told me about breathing exercises which helped me in my classes and I started feeling less anxious.
In order to control acidity my dietician asked me to eat roasted gram early in morning, which helped me a lot.
Also I am taking teaspoon of an ayurvedic powder after meal twice a day (major ingredient is a laxative) since January 2019.
During whole December 2018 I took pantop 40 daily. From January 2019 I am taking pantop 40 in intervals.
Major flare-ups are gone, I now suffer from bloating and little flare-ups. But I feel something is definitely wrong, cause now I am not excited about the food I eat and don't feel hungry. nMy vitamins level are low and I started taking supplements for B12 and vitamin D.
This is my story up till now and I hope I can understand my body much better and reduce the symptoms.
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