Join The Conversation: How Do You Reduce Stress?

Living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can often feel like sailing through a stormy sea of unchartered waters – because what settles well with you today can very likely trigger a flare tomorrow.

IBS and stress

Navigating so much uncertainty can be stressful, so it is increasingly important to identify measures that can help bring a sense of calm to the storm. Knowing when to step back from plans or admit we're stretched too thin isn't just about survival – it's a reminder that our mental well-being matters, especially when dealing with something as challenging as IBS.

Over the years, we've asked our community members about the impact of stress and anxiety on their lives and how they manage through it. We share some of their thoughts and ideas below.

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Question: What is most helpful in dealing with the stress of IBS?

5 Things to Try When You Feel Stressed

  • “I found my happy with breathwork classes, it’s been life-changing.”
  • “You have to use all your weapons. For me, that's talk therapy, grounding, breathing, essential oils, a cool cloth on the back of your neck like athletes use to keep your core cool and ease anxiety, Dramamine for nausea, Immodium, and now I have added a Reliefband.”
  • “Pardon the pun but… ‘go with the flow.’”

Question: How does IBS impact your social life?

Social Life vs. IBS - The Ongoing Battle

  • “Hard to have a life when constantly afraid of needing a bathroom.”
  • “IBS is horrible! I stay home as much as possible...take Imodium every day!”
  • “Not being able to eat some of the things I once enjoyed affects social outings.”

Question: What is your relationship with anxiety and IBS?

Do Stress and Anxiety Cause IBS?

  • “We all have different levels and schemas to cope with our anxiety. Some days are better than others. Great to know we are not alone though.”
  • “My anxiety over having a flare while out caused tension and that tension led to the tightening of my abdominal muscles. That led to cramping and fear of a flare and that fear led to more tightening and cramping. It was a vicious cycle fueled by anxiety.”
  • “Anxiety because of IBS is second nature to me.”

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