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The Time I Quit My Job in a Stretcher (Part 2)

Read part one here

One day at work I had the worst flare-up I had ever felt, and I immediately communicated that to my boss. What did he do? Well, he literally ignored my cry for help, made a statement about the nursing schedule, and just walked out of my office as if I had said nothing at all about being in extreme pain. I mean, this guy was far from compassionate and understanding. He clearly lacked sensitivity, so instead I went over his head and went straight to his boss’ office. However, before I could get anything out, I started to break down. I felt like a little kid again, and was instantly filled with embarrassment for complaining about stomach pain.

After a minute, I was finally able to get out the words I wanted to say and his boss was quick to understand, which was what I needed at the moment. I explained to her that the reason why I couldn’t control my emotions prior was because I felt complete disrespect and disregard from my boss due to how he completely ignored my pain. She decided to call him down to the office and make him take the matter seriously, which I then kind of regretted because I never want to force someone to do anything that isn’t coming from their heart. However, I was glad he was getting disciplined for his lack of professionalism and leadership.

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Fighting the stretcher

Next thing you know, he pretends to care about what I was dealing with and he started insisting that they call the ambulance for me. I told him that wasn’t necessary for I felt capable enough to drive myself to the emergency room since it was literally a couple of minutes away. A nurse, who came into the office during my episode, even volunteered to drive me herself, but my boss insisted in calling the ambulance, and he did.

When the EMT’s arrived, they brought with them a stretcher, which I was very reluctant to get on because I didn’t want to face the embarrassment of everyone seeing me being pushed out. My boss and everyone else became very persistent in getting me on the stretcher, but I kept putting up a fight. I remember thinking to myself that if they make me do something I really don’t want to do, then this would be my last day at this job. They claimed it was “mandatory protocol” for me to go to the E.R. on a stretcher, which eventually made me feel obligated to get on it.

As I was being pushed out on a stretcher, I remember feeling like it was the worst day of my life. I was in so much pain, under so much stress, felt super manipulated, and extremely embarrassed for how my life was going that day. I couldn’t help but to blame it all on my IBS, and partly my boss. I decided as soon as I got in the ambulance that was going to be the last time I saw that guy for my IBS could not take another day of torment from him.

Turning the tables

To make this long story short… Let’s just say not much was accomplished at the E.R. except for four hours of wasted time and a prescription that contained more negative side effects than good. Later that evening, I decided to write both my boss and his boss a long email as to why I wasn’t planning on showing up to work the next day, and thereafter. I never have and normally wouldn’t quit a job without giving at least a two weeks’ notice. However, a few weeks after I made that tough decision I got hit with a five-hundred dollar ambulance bill that I was not expecting whatsoever. You can imagine I was beyond furious, but never felt so proud of my decision after that.

There’s not much to take from this article except for the simple fact that some of you might be able to relate. Losing jobs seems to come with the IBS-territory for many of us. Sometimes we’re going to have to face very tough battles because of our IBS, and it’ll get to a point where you’re very depressed and don’t know what options you have left. I guess when I reached my lowest of lowest points that was what made all the difference for me. That moment was when I finally got fed up of IBS taking control of my life, and I decided to turn the tables. I started writing and raising awareness about this debilitating condition, and even made videos on YouTube about it. I share very personal aspects about my life living with IBS, so that people like me have a voice and can be heard. Ever since, I have never been so happy in my entire life.

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