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A man is happily listing off four thing from his fingers. He is listing bananas, vitamins, oil drops, and a crossed out wheat bunch. Lists, self care

My 2023 Goals To Improve My IBS

It’s a new year, and I am determined to prioritize improving my IBS symptoms. For those who don’t know, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in addition to IBS. I am so thankful to be able to say that my Crohn’s symptoms have improved dramatically since starting a new medication about three years ago. However, my IBS urgency symptoms still have lingered.

Compared to where I was years ago, my IBS has dramatically improved, but I want to focus on controlling my urgency issues for this new year. They don’t happen nearly as often as before, and I have almost zero anxiety when I leave my home to go to a public place which is a big win for me. But even still, I have moments of urgency, and I never leave my house without a feminine pad that offers a protective layer in an emergency.

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Just today, I went to Target. After paying and packing my items into my car, I had to turn around and use the restroom, as I knew the urgency had to be solved before the 15-minute drive home. I am proud to say once I got to the bathroom, both were occupied, and I had to wait, but I was able to do so calmly. If this had happened to me before, I would be in total panic and prayed and clenched.

Goals to improve my IBS

So although I have significantly improved, here are some things I want to focus on this year to continue improving my IBS symptoms:

1. Continue taking L-Glutamine

Since taking L-Glutamine daily, I have noticed a vast improvement in my urgency issues. L-Glutamine is a supplement. I buy from the brand Thorne and have seen my urgency issues dissipate, and I have also noticed that I can have more of my trigger foods without repercussions.

2. Have a banana each night before bed

I used to do this last year and saw that my morning bowel movements were much better, and I would like to make this a routine this year. Eating a banana before bed helps me form healthier stools in the morning.

3. CBD oil daily

When I take CBD oil daily, I have found that my urgency issues subside. This is something I want to focus on being more diligent with this year. I tend to finish a bottle and then take a while to repurchase, but I’d like to be more consistent this time. I buy from the brand Nutritional Frontiers.

4. Avoid wheat

Lastly, when I avoid wheat, my digestive system feels the best. Grain gives me all the IBS symptoms, including urgency. For 2023, I want to be a fanatic about not having even a bite of wheat so that perhaps I can finally get over these urgent symptoms.

How about you? Do you have any goals this 2023 for improving your IBS symptoms? Share below. We love to hear from you.

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