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Constant nausea

Okay guys I have lived with IBS for 6 years now. I had my gal bladder taken out at 19 and am currently 24 Here for about the last 5-6 months now I am constantly nauseated no matter what I do. 24/7 nausea. Sometimes mild sometimes sevear. I have tried changing my diet and no changes. I have tried different meds and again no changes. I’m curious if anyone else is having problems like mine??? I do have an appointment with my GI specialist in about a month. (He’s good so there is usually a line to get into him). I just don’t know what to do at this point to get some sort of relief!

  1. Hi, Dom.diana - I'm so sorry to hear about the constant nausea you're experiencing. That sounds like it's really rough. You're definitely not alone with the feeling nausea. In fact, another community member shared a similar experience here: Like you, they also had their gallbladder removed! Please keep us updated after your GI appointment! Thanks for being part of this community! - Chris, Team Member

    1. I still have my Gallbladder, I am 50 and I think i was diagnosed (loosely) at about age 35. I too have nausea often (not all the time) and no matter that i know I am not going to throw up, I still get a bit anxious about it when it happens because of course I don't want to throw up in the grocery store, or the mall or wherever i may be when the nausea strikes. Deep breaths and a mint or a cinnamon Jolly Rancher seem to help, but I don't always have them readily available.
      Good luck with your nausea and i hope you can somehow find relief.

      1. Thank you for the reply’s. Definetly some good advice. I finally made it the GI doctor. They prescribed amitriptyline For me. Has made a significant difference! I still get some nausea every once in a while but not nearly as bad. Would definitely recommend to anyone.

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