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What has been your biggest struggle in dealing with an invisible illness?

  1. Work and going places. There are days where I’m afraid to leave the house.

    1. Thanks for answering, nanaboyer! We've definitely heard a lot of feedback from the community about work and travel as well. I'm hoping that those days are far and few between for you! Here's an article that I thought you might find interesting about work and IBS: Thanks for taking the time to comment! - Chris, Team Member

  2. Being a mother , and taking the responsibility of a baby while I have to be in the bathroom for a long time !
    I manage to have safe places in my apartment so I can keep my daughter and I get a wireless camera to check on her ..
    I can’t get a job and I am afraid to ..
    I don’t like to travel because of IBS-D ..
    These are my struggles

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