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Ray Li

Primary Badge Member

Ray Li's Status Updates

"Didn't go see a doctor yesterday. It looks like some cysts appeared on my feet overnight. I'm keeping an eye on it but they are doing better today already. I think it's a trauma response to intense massaging."

  1. I'm glad to hear it's getting better. Hopefully, they go away quickly! Wishing you quick relief, Karina (team member)

  2. I hope so too. No pain or itching today.

  3. That's good! Have the cysts gone down at all? Karina (team member)

  4. Some have. The pain and itchyness is gone

  5. Hi , I just wanted to ask if the cysts have now gone away or if you ended up going to the doctor? All the best, Karina (team member)

  6. They haven't gone away. I see my GP tomorrow

  7. Please keep us updated about that if you like! Sending positive thoughts, Karina (team member)

  8. Totally forgot to mention it, I was in lots of pain & it wasn't the main thing I was seeing her about.

  9. So sorry to hear that. Has it gotten any better by now? What did your GP say? Hugs, Karina (team member)

  10. They are almost gone